Capturing the effort, action, characters and moments that contribute to the Spirit of Rugby at Stirling County
It has been an 18 year journey, so far, with Stirling County. It started with taking photos of my son when he joined at age 7 and that ended up with taking photos of each of the teams and age groups that were at the club. Somewhere along the line, I decided to develop a project focus on this opportunity, with the aim of capturing the Spirit of Rugby at Stirling County. Yes it would be about the action but it was also about the people, the supporters, the many volunteers, the coaches and the players. It is also about capturing key themes, around team work, leadership, commitment, resilience and in large parts banter. Over that time I have captured those many elements.
In 2021 I pulled out 100 photos which I thought captured those aspects about the Spirit of Stirling County. Those photos were framed up and exhibited at the club. Below I have put them into a series of booklets. Click on each of them to find out more information
On the 12th September 2024 there will be an event at the club, where I will share some of the stories behind those photos and how that journey led to the amazing experience of taking photos of Scotland at Murrayfield and at the World Cup in France in 2023
Spirit of County
Capturing the spirit of the club, with the teams of all age groups right through the centre, supported by all the great volunteers
Capturing Memories
So many great moments and memories to choose from. This is just a selection of some of the great moments at the club
Teams at County
Capturing the teams across all age groups that play and develop great teamwork at Stirling County including some of the visiting teams
Murrayfield Memories
Running out on that pitch at Murrayfield, creating memories to last a life time. For the U16 & 18s playing in the Youth Cup Finals
People of County
People & Legends of County, the banter on the touchline, the buses and in the bar are all priceless. Capturing shared moments