Projects & Assignments
Over the last few years I have been working on a number of projects and I am keen to work with new clients and partners on future opportunities.
Please get in touch if you have some exciting ideas we can collaborate on together
Stirling County Club Day - with over 300 players of all ages in their club colours
Capturing the Spirit of Rugby at Stirling County Rugby Club
Several years ago I set myself the challenge of not only taking high quality images of the sporting action of the club for all levels and age groups, but also to try and capture the spirit of the rugby club. This ranged from capturing the volunteers that play such a big part in the success of the club, to being there to capture the moments when the players are achieving amazing things through their collective endeavour. In July 2021 I installed 100 photos at the club as an exhibition. With over 15 years of photographs, 100 photos only really scratched the surface of what the club was about, so I have created this booklet. That journey continues with Stirling County and I will be sharing a presentation at the club on the 12th Sept 24 to bring to life some of the stories behind the photos.

I have been working on a project to capture the Spirit of Scotland. If you have any recommendations on places I need to visit and photograph, then please let me know.
If you want to follow me on this journey then follow this hashtag on Instagram #spiritofscotlandV7
Just one of the many sports I have covered - capturing the effort to win
I have been asked by various organisations to capture the images from their sporting events. Throughout that work I also try and summarise what the event in 80 photos in my Facebook page and in 7 photos on Instagram
I look forward to seeing how that portfolio of work expands over time. If you want to follow me on that journey then follow this hashtag on Instagram #sportin7 #rugbyin7
Just one of the many sports I have covered - capturing the effort to win
From the 1990s through to 1999 I was an avid Munro Bagger and managed to climb 155 Munro’s during this period. Even after seeing so many different and unique sights, I have always drawn back to Buachaille Etive Mor and Glencoe. Since 1999 I have visited Glencoe three or four times per year trying to capture its glory and majesty in different conditions. Looking over the photographs, I realise how special the place has become to me as it represents a chance to celebrate and reflect on important aspects of my own personal journey - it remains a constant of wonder and beauty in a world of personal challenge and change. Going back there brings the challenges into perspectives and inspires energy for what’s ahead. I know I will spend the rest of my life returning to Glencoe and over that period I will explore how to exhibit the images I have taken and experienced.
If you want to follow me on that journey then follow this hashtag on Instagram #glencoev7